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NEW Lash Booking Policies

Eyelash extensions are AMAZING but they are not for everyone, and that's ok! This is a HIGH- MAINTENANCE beauty treatment that requires gentle care for the lashes to remain in good condition and be long-lasting. 

Results vary from person to person based on each individual client's lash line, eye shape, eyelid type, and growth rate. This makes it nearly impossible to recreate a set for you that was done on someone else.



Please book the appropriate appointment type.I try not to make my clients wait, so if you know you are closer to a full set than a fill in, book the correct appointment type to avoid leaving KAE Galore with unwanted gaps in your lashes.






1. LASH INTEGRITY - Your natural lash health is our top priority! This means that we will only place extensions that are the appropriate weight and length for your lashes. Many times this is not what you are used to from previous artists. Sometimes we have to choose between long or full. Long AND full is just not everyone’s reality :). As the professional, we also reserve the right to make a new decision during your time with us as a client for what your lashes can handle. Yay happy lashes!

2. BOOKING WITH US ONLINE - Your deposit goes towards your total cost of service. It also holds your card info so it can be charged a cancellation fee if you NO CALL/NO SHOW or do not give enough notice that you will not be at your appointment. All appointments can be rescheduled up until 24 hours before your scheduled appointment through your log in portal, so if you haven't made one yet, now is the time. 

4. CANCELLATION POLICY - Appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled 24 hours in advance. Text and email reminders are sent out days before your appointment. Cancelling an appointment forfeits your deposit, rescheduling 24 hours in advance will maintain your deposit. We understand that sickness and emergencies come up so please let us know before if able. Pretty please do not come sick!! If appointments are missed or cancelled late, then you will not get your deposit back and you may be charged a fee equal to FULL COST of your service. 

5. PAYMENT - For payment methods, We love accept cash and all major credit cards. 

6. PARKING- Free parking out front!

7. VISITORS - Children and additional guests are NOT permitted.

8. CLEAN EYES - Please arrive with squeaky clean lashes. EXTENSIONS WILL NOT ADHERE TO DIRTY LASHES. They will end up falling off the very next day. Or they will fall right back off as we are applying them and will make your fill impossible. • No makeup (foundation, shadow, oils) on: Eyelid, under eyes and temples. Makeup else where is just fine! Bronze and brow slay away! • A lash bath station is in our beauty bar for you if you need to clean them before to your appointment.


9.MEGA LASH CLIENTS: Mega lashes get weighed down MEGA FAST and you will cause damage to your natural lashes before your next fill. Think triple the weight. You must keep these lashes extremely clean or we will switch down to a volume set to preserve the health of your naturals! :)

10. NO MOVING DURING APPOINTMENTS PLEASE- #1. Please be super still, and no talking on/or answering your phone • WHY? Talking creates small movements, wiggles, and allows fumes to escape into your eyes. Tearing eyes will ruin your service!

11. JUST SAY NO - NO GUM. NO CAFFEINE. NO PHONE CALLS. Caffeine causes fluttery eyes and makes lashing not only difficult, but sometimes impossible! Please put your phones on silent as well.

12. TIME - Full Sets, make sure you can lay VERY STILL for extended lengths without issue. Moving around as soon as you feel me not touching your face is NOT GOOD. I work off of the pillow you are laying on! Too much movement may prevent me from being able to lash. Sleeping and snoring are very welcome!!

13. LASH FILL POLICY - It is required that you have at least 40-50% of your lashes in order to be considered a “fill”. If you book a fill and show up with less than that, there will be an up-charge added to the initial fill price. This does not mean you get more fill time. If you are missing too many, you will be charged for a full set. Helpful Hints • If it looks like you need a fill then you have waited too long ;). • If you are missing more than 50% on only one eye you are still considered to be falling under the 50% Fill Rule. • Be careful about very outgrown lashes - these are removed at every fill and do not count as happy lashes that get to a part of the 50% team • Come with CLEAN LASHES

14. 3 WEEK FILL POLICY - No fills may be booked over 25 days from their prior lash service. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you schedule ONE DAY over your 25 days, We will cancel your appointment and ask you to rebook for a Full Set.

15. TOUCH UP FILLS - Touch up fills are available (Mini Fill). They are an additional service that only fills in small gaps and imperfections. There is no removal of grown out extensions. If you came back over 3 weeks, despite being slightly filled in, there would be far too many grown out extensions to remove and replace and you would need a new set.

16. NEW CLIENT FILLS - We do not currently accept new client fills. We do not work over other lash artists work- the old set will have to be removed and a new set will be applied.

17. REFUNDS + 2 DAY RETENTION RULE - There are no refunds on any services. If you are having any issues after your service with retention, please let us know within 2 DAYS. We will make any changes for free as long as you come see me within seven days from your appointment (we can work around hours). This is your window! If you choose to wait until your next fill then you are subject to normal fill policies. Please note that this does not bump out your 3 week rule and is treated as a free touch up.

19. PRICING/POLICIES - Pricing and policies are subject to change at any time. Please keep yourself updated by checking this section for changes.





What are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash extensions are individual natural synthetic fibers that are attached to your natural lash. They are attached to your eyelash individually, not to the skin. This is a very careful and intense service that requires skill and precision. Once applied these lashes provide a natural look, so natural that is difficult to tell with a magnifying glass. 


How long do the extensions last? 

There is no correct answer to this question; on average eyelash extensions can last up to three weeks with proper care before requiring a fill. Proper care and maintenance are important, however; factors such as eyelash growth, lifestyle, and general aftercare will affect how long the lashes last. On average we naturally lose 3-5 lashes per day so shedding is completely normal! If you are not taking care of your lashes and/or are pulling or yanking them out/ not following aftercare then you can cause damage to your own lashes but the eyelash extensions themselves do not cause damage....only self-inflicted trauma can cause damage.

****If you wear full face makeup, have oily skin, sleep on your side or directly on your face, take sleeping medications or other types of medications, do not sleep on satin pillowcases,do not keep your lashes clean then you can expect to need fills more often. 


What is considered a fill?

Clients are required to have 40-50% or more of their set to be considered a fill, everything else is a full set. A two week fill is any appointment that falls within 17 days of your most recent appointment.  A three week fill is anything 18-25 days after your most recent appointment. A four week fill is a full set.


How do I prepare for my appointment?

Prepare to come take a nap; dress in comfortable clothing, refrain from drinking caffeine (this makes your eyes flutter), put your phone on silent, NO GUM, NO KIDS, and NO MAKEUP. Please come with clean lashes.... less cleaning time = more lash time! 

©2021 by KAE Galore Beauty Bar.

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